Saturday 15 November 2014

Spams everywhere in Facebook

Xavierlance(Surveillance) of the day:

Recently, we can see spams everywhere in Facebook. All the spams are something that is similar to the above pictures, which seems like a link to produce a sketch art with given photo.

Xavierlance result:

The spams will "duplicate" itself in most of the groups that is joined by the "host". Sometimes it even paste itself onto your friends' wall. Although it may seems harmless but we may not know what is operating behind the scene of your computer.

How to know whether it is a spam or not?
If the language that appear above the link is slightly different, maybe slightly too well than what the person normally type, it maybe the virus. So, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT click on it.

Xavierlance advice:
  • Do not simply click on unknown link, (you can click the picture if u want, but not the link). 
  • Check with your friend before clicking the link.
  • If your account is infected, change password if it continues (That's what I did, :p)
That's all for today, see you guys. =)